English available
Our team of specialists has had extensive experience abroad and can converse in English and Chinese.
Family practice
Our goal is to give you the absolute best medical service possible by our team of specialists. We will become your home doctors no matter if you are a child, adult or senior citizen. Please feel free to contact and visit us if we can be of assistance.
In house pharmacy
We have a pharmacy on the premises. It is easy to pickup your medications. Most prescribed medicine can be provided without the wait. we are committed to deliver Safe , Reliable and Hassle free medical care to our customers.
All the following vaccines are available with an appointment. (at least one week before the requested date) DTP, MR, BCG, Polio, Mumps, Japanese Encephalitis, Chickenpox, Rotavirus, Meningitis, HepatitisA/B, Cholera,Rabies, Pneumococcus, HPV, HiB
We have close relationship with Top level Specialists and Hospital. St. Luke’s International Hospital, Hiroo Hospital, Tokyo Red Cross medical Center etc. And after outside visits, our services are always open to you anytime.
Patient First! Quick,Appropriate,Accurate

Our philosophy is Patients First! We are more than glad to listen to any of your complaints, problems and fears and offer advice, therapy and treatment.
Please don’t hesitate to confide in us if we can be of assistance.
- 2F, LY nishiazabu 3-17-20
nishiazabu minatoku, Tokyo 106-0031
- Please prepare guarantee of payment in advance!
- We can provide appropriate medical statements and itemized receipts for persons with individual health insurance who intend to file for refunds from their insurers.